Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Who are they?

Following the formation of the Diocese of Nairobi five years ago, Archdeaconries were also set up. Diocese of Nairobi has eight archdeaconries headed by Archdeacons. Our various Vicars in our parishes serve under the Archdeacons. Read more…..

So as to help achieve integration and enhance cohesion, KAYO Executive committee has representatives from each of the eight archdeaconries. One of the things that the archdeaconry representatives are to do is to work with their respective Archdeaconry committees in bringing together the youth in the archdeaconries – they help act as a link.

The following people are the current office bearers 2008:.

Chairperson – Rev. Jonathan Kabiru

D.Y.O – Rev. Samuel Chege

Vice-chairperson – Grace Ogawo

Secretary – Violet Nakhwanga

Assistant Secretary – Tabitha Gachege

Treasurer – Cleophas Daniel Obengle

Cathedral Archdeaconry Rep – Martha Kamau

Central Archdeaconry Rep – Uncle Hezron

Eastern Archdeaconry Rep – Calvin Atemah

Embakasi Archdeaconry Rep – Ruth Ramtu

Githurai Archdeaconry Rep – James Irungu

Kasarani Archdeaconry Rep – (not yet elected)

Northwest Archdeaconry Rep – Anthony Kibigo

Southern Archdeaconry Rep – Willis Oyoo

Co-opted member – Lawrence Munene

Co-opted member – Ken Milugo

Co-opted member – Stephen Ambani

From the above list of officials, the following are the various departmental heads:

Prayer & Mission Coordinator Uncle Hezron

Fellowship Coordinator Calvin Atema

Praise Coordinator Steve Ambani

Drama Coordinator Anthony Kibigo

Welfare & Hospitality Coordinator Ruth Ramtu & Violet Nakhwanga

Sports Coordinator Lawrence Munene & Tabitha Gachege

Creative Arts Coordinator James Irungu

To contact any of the above persons, kindly write an email to kayonairobi@gmail.com or contact. Please give your details and whom you’d like to get in touch with.

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