Friday, May 30, 2008

Can we really reach out through drama............

Sometimes we have been wondering whether drama can be an effective tool for ministry. Most times, we think that it is for entertainment or consider that it may not be relevant for communicating to adults.
Drama is an essential means of communicating Gospel truths, both to Christians and non-Christians. Use of creative evangelism is not about watering down the message. It is the presentation of the full Biblical Gospel, but through unusual means, to audiences who would be unlikely to hear a more conventional message.

Some of the reasons why drama is effective are:
- Evangelizing through drama helps us meet with people who are on the ground. 1 Corinthians 9:19 - 23;
- Good use of language in communicating always helps us in visualizing what is being spoken of;
- When the truth is laid open, through drama, we are able understand better and also remember;
- Not all of us are readers;
- Few people can utilize the same style of receiving information for long;
- Drama is able to present complex issues in a simple way.

The season for the archdeaconry drama festivals begun on 24th May 2008. Eastern Archdeaconry was able to hold the event and it was great. Five out of six parishes in the archdeaconry were able to showcase their talents. It was amazing seeing how creative the Gospel can be spread through drama.

Look out for the full results of this event.

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