Thursday, September 25, 2008

This weekend...........

The Southern Archdeaconry Youth are inviting all of us for a kesha this Friday 26 September 2008. The venue is St. Mathew, Karen. Details of the kesha are as below:



THEME Restoration to God derived from Joel 2:25-27 and James 5:13-20.

9:30-10:00PM : ARRIVAL

(Vicar: St Mathews)
10:20PM-12:00: WORSHIP


12:00-12:30 : The Word: Theme Joel 2:25-27

12:30am-1:00am: Call to Restoration

1:00am-2:00am: Praises

2:00am-3:00am PRAYERS

 Prayer for St Pauls: Joshua St Mathews
 Prayer for the Good Shepherd: Rose
 Prayer for St Barnabas: Oyoo
 Prayer for St Ignatius: Nashon
 Prayer for St Mathews : Samuel
 Prayer for Daughter Churches:Simon Moki
 Prayer for other churches: Elijah

3:00am-4:00am Social Hour and Tea Break
Sharing the Southern Archdeaconry Cake
(Joshua Good Shepherd)
4:00am-5:00am Testimonies/ Praises

5:00am-5:15am: Acknowledgement.


The St. Andrews Youth, StAY Alive are inviting us for a 25km walk dubbed Operation 25. The walk is to raise funds for their KATAA Initiative Program which is a campaign against drugs and substance abuse. The walk is scheduled to take place on Saturday 27 September 2008. It will begin at St. Andrews at 7:45am.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Emailing: SMY Poster.JPG

<<SMY Poster

Youth Month

The month of August is finally here with us. These month is usually set aside as the youth month in our diocese. It is the month where we see a lot of activity and movement within the youth fraternity.

A brief recap of the previous month:
The MPW did take place on 11th July 2008 and it was such an amazing event. (A detailed report was posted earlier on this site).

On the 26th of July 2008, Eastern and Kasarani Archdeaconries were able to hold their sports’ days. Preliminary reports are that the events were a success and they are really geared for the Diocesan event which is scheduled to take place on 25th October 2008. All the other archdeaconries are being encouraged to prepare to hold their event before the diocesan one.

On the same day (26th July), Northwest Archdeaconry was able hold their drama festival.

This month as earlier mentioned, has a lot going on especially at the grassroots (our churches). A few things that are worth noting are noting are; the Provincial KAYO Conference that was scheduled to take place this month has been rescheduled until further notice. Also, the Diocese of Nairobi KAYO enrollment that is scheduled to take place on 30th August has been postponed to 13th December 2008.

Events that are lined up in our various churches are as follows:








Sanctuary’s Touch

St. Mary’s Youth;SMY–Kabete



St. Andrews Mission Week

St. Andrews Zimmerman




St. Andrews Zimmerman

9pm till dawn


Career Day

St. Gertrudes, Kasarani 


(for all people from class 6 to school leavers, concerned parents and those who are already working, in college  or universities but want a change or to advance their studies



Youth Rally

Good Samaritan, Ciiko,  Kasarani



Hip hop music & its effect on the youth

St. Gertrudes Kasarani




Kasarani Arch Praise & Worship fest

Kasarani Archdeaconry/St. Gertrudes Kasarani


(a talk about the various world music and why the church especially its youth should not condone it.)




Down to Beracah-the concert

StAY Alive/St. Andrews Youth–Zimmerman



The August issue of Samaritan Flava is out. This is a monthly magazine published by Jeshi (The Church of Good Samarian Komarock Youth). A copy goes for Kshs 50/-. There’s also provision for subscription to the magazine. For more info on the same, kindly get in touch with Jeshi thro

If you have an event that you’d like us to know of, please write to and help you in the publicity too.



Much Thanks

As we speak right now, the memories of 11th July night are still fresh especially to those who managed to show up at the KAYO (MPW) Mega Praise & Worship Edition II at the ACK St. Monica’s Dandora. The night was extremely chilly yet hundreds of young people braved it all, just to give their hearts and minds to the one and only Lord and savoir Jesus Christ. The event took off slightly after the 2121hrs run off time but it did not disappoint. According to the records, there were 26 churches represented and the turn up was in hundreds.

The event also enjoyed the gracing of the Diocesan chairperson, the Rev. Jonathan Kabiru and the Host church Vicar, the Rev. Stephen Njoroge. Their presence and significance was so paramount and can only be likened to that of the priests when Joshua was crossing yonder the flooded river Jordan, with the Israelites. Many many Thanks for coming to bless the occasion with such love. The event started off with a dedication and soul searching session courtesy of Timo, the opening collect was offered by the Rev. Kabiru leaving the meeting open for St. Monica’s praise and worship team to engage the youth.

More thanks go to the St Andrew’s (StAY) and St Mary’s (SMY) for their hearty and much needed support in enhancing the sound through contributing equipment to boost that of Dandora. Music is nothing without quality sound, especially in this age and century where quality production cannot be comprised or overlooked. This was the second edition of the event which began last year May at the Good Samaritan Komarock, it comes once a year.

The Wind of Grace was next with a worship moment then praises, so electrifying it was is the youth wanted some more but they had to wait coz at this point the WORD was ready. Kenince Mbithi aka MR. KAYO ’08, was fielding questions from the coordinator and the congregation would also get an opportunity to react or respond to some of the questions. It was more of a talk show but touching on worship. The congregation had also a few questions to address. It was a lovely experience.

The St. Mary’s Kabete (SMY) praise team had done their home work well and got the crew on its feet for a dance during the praises and for an intimacy during worship. It was great being in the presence of the King of Kings. Those who got to miss out simply because the event was in DANDORA, all we can say is sorry. Check out our local listing for the edition three next year. There was enough refreshment for everyone. In general the event was a success and all praise be to God. That Worship is a life not a session and the altar in the temple must contain fresh fire not previous ashes. We need to up our game and transform the age.

We thank all who were involved in the organization of and the material day as well; the teams that ministered, the executive committee, the churches which attended and all our prayer partners. Keep it Impact, keep it Change. 1 Tim 4: 12. Baraka tele milele.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

MPW………......miss it, miss out

KAYO Mega Praise and Worship (MPW) edition II is on the night of 11th July, 2008 at the ACK St. Monica's Dandora. Where humanity meets Divinity in worship. It’s you and the King of Kings all night. Heavens open at 2121 Hrs. Please purpose to come and keep time. Worship is always about time so how much of it do you want to give your Maker. Kindly print out copies for your church and other teams you wish to share this special moment with.


Step number one; option one - board mini bus no. 42 at globe cinema round about or option two, board a KBS no. 32 at ambassadeur or option three, board nissan ma3 no. 32 on ronald ngala street hapo wool mart ama chini hapo OTC andoption four, take mini bus no. 36 on jogoo road. ensure/confirm its plying route IS DANDORA


How will i know that am about to reach? Good question. Watch out for the rounda at kariobangi, after the rounda (juja road meets outer ring rd) then watch out for a TOTAL PETROL STATION on your LEFT HAND SIDE, there is a junction there, just keep left. once you have passed the total petrol. Please look out for the church/ BP coz u will be that close to there. baraka n cu then. you cant afford to miss. Security is tight, 1st God himself and 2nd there is a police post in the church compound. My friend u have no excuse, the church is right on the road. mob favour. pitishiana hii atlas and invite all your friends.

Monday, July 7, 2008

.................and it came to pass...

The dinner finally took place. Well, preparations for the evening started very early and come evening everything was ready as expected. The set up was ready on time to recieve the guests. It was a night that was full of glamour. The guests, words alone cannot describe how good they looked. The ambience was superb, the décor and lighting was done to precision. Everything was done to detail setting the ambience for the evening.

The dinner was trully a success in its own way. Work This event marked as a testimony for the youth in the Diocese that KAYO's future is bright. To the event organizers, "God bless you" and that was a job well done. To the participants, "Thank you for gracing the event." To the various churches, "Thank you for your support."

Well, this all that can be said for now. For those who missed......

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Birthing and Mentoring A Generation - The Launch

Mentorship refers to a developmental relationship between a more experienced mentor and a less experienced partner referred to as a protégé—a person guided and protected by a more prominent person (ref Wikipedia;

Mentoring is a process that is based upon a relationship that a mentor opens up his/her life to the person that that is being mentored.

A mentorship is a supportive relationship established between two individuals where knowledge, skills, and experience are shared. The mentee is someone seeking guidance in developing specific competencies, self-awareness, and skills in early intervention. The mentor is a person who has expertise in the areas of need identified by the mentee and is able to share their wisdom in a nurturing way.

In this relationship, the mentee has the opportunity to ask questions, share concerns, and observe a more experienced professional or parent within a safe, protected environment. Through reflection and collaboration between the mentor-mentee pair, the mentee can become more self-confident and competent in their integration and application of the knowledge and skills gained in the mentorship demonstrating best practice.

Mentoring helps people walk through life with peace and understanding. We want to lead people to a deeper, more intimate relationship with Jesus. He is our only true counselor and our prayer is that He can use us to assist you in your time of need. We all need to be reminded from time to time that God loves us

The mentorship established between two individuals is unique to their needs, personality, learning styles, expectations, and experiences.

Christian mentorship is more like discipleship since the focus here is Christ. It basically points to God. People get mentored in faith and in life; it provides a relationship; it helps in empowering; equipping not only to grow personally but also start the cycle all over by being ready to mentor others.

So many examples can be given from the Bible where mentorship/discipleship took place:

• Jethro mentored Moses; Moses mentored Joshua and the elders of Israel. Joshua mentored the other army leaders.
• Deborah mentored Barak.
• Eli mentored Samuel
• Samuel mentored Saul and David who became Israel's greatest king.
• Ahithophel and Nathan the prophet also mentored David.
• David mentored his army commanders and government officials, to establish the united nation of Israel. David also
mentored Solomon.
• Solomon mentored the Queen of Sheba, who returned to her people with his wisdom in the form of Proverbs that
applied God's laws.
• Elijah mentored Elisha.
• Elisha mentored king Jehoash and others.
• Daniel mentored Nebuchadnezzar, who humbled himself before God.
• Mordecai mentored Esther
• Esther mentored King Artaxerxes, which resulted in liberating God's people.
• Jesus mentored the twelve apostles who established the Christian church.
• The twelve mentored hundreds of other leaders, including Paul.
• Paul mentored Titus, Timothy and many others.
• Timothy mentored "faithful men" such as Epaphras.
• Epaphras and the other faithful men mentored "others also" (2 Timothy 2:2) which led to a chain reaction that
resulted in dozens of new churches in Asia.

So much can be said about mentoring. Well, this time round, KAYO, Diocese of Nairobi will be rolling out its own mentorship programme. The programme will be launched at a colourful dinner to be held on 28th June 2008 at ACK St. James Buruburu. The event has been dubbed as the KAYO Alumni Dinner Launch since the youth seek to tap into the wide range of would be mentors some of whom have been identified as those who served before them in the Youth Ministry. The theme is “Birthing and Mentoring a Generation.”

The charges are Ksh 500 for the youth and Kshs 800 for Alumni. The dinner starts at 4pm and ends at 8:30pm. Deadline for registration and confirmation has been given as Thursday, June 26th 2008. All payments to be made at Imani House or to the KAYO treasurer – CDO.

The main objectives of the dinner are:
- Bridge the gap between KAYO and Mothers’ Union and KAMA, thus ensure young people have mentors.
- Enable former KAYO members keep in touch with KAYO and its activities, therefore offer support where they can,
especially in areas of expertise.
- Create a forum where young married adults can meet and share experiences and problems under the guidance of older
- Encourage youth to be part of KAYO.

Preparations for this event are in top gear. The morale among the youth in the Diocese is quite high.

“So it would be a great place to start searching if you've been praying for a Christian partner who has elegance, a sense of humour, style, a person after God's own heart...
Before we all get carried away, we're looking for mentors. That's the primary objective.”

This was said by one youth member who is really looking forward to the event.

For any clarification or for more information concerning the event, kindly write an email to, or call 0728 055500. For those who are unable to pay before the deadline, kindly get in touch through the above contacts.

Generation Impactor: Be the change
1 Tim 4:12

Friday, May 30, 2008

Can we really reach out through drama............

Sometimes we have been wondering whether drama can be an effective tool for ministry. Most times, we think that it is for entertainment or consider that it may not be relevant for communicating to adults.
Drama is an essential means of communicating Gospel truths, both to Christians and non-Christians. Use of creative evangelism is not about watering down the message. It is the presentation of the full Biblical Gospel, but through unusual means, to audiences who would be unlikely to hear a more conventional message.

Some of the reasons why drama is effective are:
- Evangelizing through drama helps us meet with people who are on the ground. 1 Corinthians 9:19 - 23;
- Good use of language in communicating always helps us in visualizing what is being spoken of;
- When the truth is laid open, through drama, we are able understand better and also remember;
- Not all of us are readers;
- Few people can utilize the same style of receiving information for long;
- Drama is able to present complex issues in a simple way.

The season for the archdeaconry drama festivals begun on 24th May 2008. Eastern Archdeaconry was able to hold the event and it was great. Five out of six parishes in the archdeaconry were able to showcase their talents. It was amazing seeing how creative the Gospel can be spread through drama.

Look out for the full results of this event.

Monday, May 19, 2008

I Belong....

Romans 8:1
We all belong somewhere. There is a place we can all call ‘home'. This can be a school, home, church, work place or any other place. When we have a place where we belong to, it helps us have a sense of ownership.

We who confess Christianity belong to Christ Jesus.

Some reasons why it is important for us to know where we belong are:
•Reduces the feelings of isolation by connecting us to a supportive network;
•Enhances confidence, abilities, professionalism in the important work you are doing;
•It gives access to resources;
•Provides opportunities for ongoing development;

By surrounding ourselves with people who have similar goals, we have a greater impact than if we work in isolation. There is strength in numbers.

in the same case, we all belong somewhere within our Diocese. The following are the parishes that are found in the Diocese of Nairobi, and their location.

St. Stephen's Cathedral, Jogoo Road
St. Veronica, South B
St. James, Buruburu
St. Mary Magdalene, Maringo
St. Phillip's, Jericho

St. John's, Pumwani
St. Joseph's, Ngara
Maridadi, Parish, Landhies Road
St. Christopher, Mathare
St. Polycarp, Mlango Kubwa
St. Judes, Huruma
St. Thomas, Ngei

St. Patrick’s kayole
St Luke’s, Umoja
ACK Komarock
St Monica, Dandora
St Stephen's, Dandora
St Faith, Kariobangi South

St. Peter's, Embakasi
Holy Innocent, Ruai
St. Catherine, Mihango
St. Matthias, Njiru
St. John the Baptist, Mukuru kwa Njenga
Christ the King

St. Peter's, Kahawa Sukari
St. Martin's, Kahawa-Wendani
St. Hellen's, Githurai Cable
Holy Spirit the Comforter, Mwihoko
St. Timothy, Githurai
ACK Shalom, Githurai

St. Anne's, Mwiki
Church of the Good Samaritan, Ciiko
St. Getrude's Kasarani, Clay City
Emmanuel Parish, Ruaraka
St. Michael & All Angels, Kariobangi
St. Prisca, Korogocho
St. Francis, Karura

St. Mark's, Westlands
St. Mary's, Kabete
St. Bartholomew, Nyari
St. Joseph of Arimathea, Moubtain View (near USIU)
St. Andrew's, Zimmerman
St. Clement, Githurai
St. Elizabeth, Kahawa West
St. Simon, Kiamumbi

St. Paul's, South C
Church of the Good Shepherd, Lang'ata
St. Barnabas, Otiende
St. Matthew's, Lang'ata
St. Ignatius, Mbagathi

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Who are they?

Following the formation of the Diocese of Nairobi five years ago, Archdeaconries were also set up. Diocese of Nairobi has eight archdeaconries headed by Archdeacons. Our various Vicars in our parishes serve under the Archdeacons. Read more…..

So as to help achieve integration and enhance cohesion, KAYO Executive committee has representatives from each of the eight archdeaconries. One of the things that the archdeaconry representatives are to do is to work with their respective Archdeaconry committees in bringing together the youth in the archdeaconries – they help act as a link.

The following people are the current office bearers 2008:.

Chairperson – Rev. Jonathan Kabiru

D.Y.O – Rev. Samuel Chege

Vice-chairperson – Grace Ogawo

Secretary – Violet Nakhwanga

Assistant Secretary – Tabitha Gachege

Treasurer – Cleophas Daniel Obengle

Cathedral Archdeaconry Rep – Martha Kamau

Central Archdeaconry Rep – Uncle Hezron

Eastern Archdeaconry Rep – Calvin Atemah

Embakasi Archdeaconry Rep – Ruth Ramtu

Githurai Archdeaconry Rep – James Irungu

Kasarani Archdeaconry Rep – (not yet elected)

Northwest Archdeaconry Rep – Anthony Kibigo

Southern Archdeaconry Rep – Willis Oyoo

Co-opted member – Lawrence Munene

Co-opted member – Ken Milugo

Co-opted member – Stephen Ambani

From the above list of officials, the following are the various departmental heads:

Prayer & Mission Coordinator Uncle Hezron

Fellowship Coordinator Calvin Atema

Praise Coordinator Steve Ambani

Drama Coordinator Anthony Kibigo

Welfare & Hospitality Coordinator Ruth Ramtu & Violet Nakhwanga

Sports Coordinator Lawrence Munene & Tabitha Gachege

Creative Arts Coordinator James Irungu

To contact any of the above persons, kindly write an email to or contact. Please give your details and whom you’d like to get in touch with.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

What guides us?

This folio is meant to help us understand KAYO, its aims and objectives. You really are part of KAYO; it’s only that that is made official during enrollment. KAYO is a joint organization for all the youth in the Anglican Church of Kenya.

This folio is meant to help us understand KAYO, its aims and objectives. KAYO has a motto, prayer, aims and objectives. The explanations under the aims and objectives (in italics), are to help us understand what they mean. May you find your place in KAYO.


Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Ephesians 6:10


Teach us good Lord to serve you with all our strength, body, soul and mind.

To love you and rejoice in you always.

To offer our services without counting the cost.

We pray that your Holy Spirit will give us courage to fight against the wicked spiritual forces by the help of your Word.

To labor in your vineyard looking forward to eternal life,

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.



I promise to serve Jesus Christ all the days of my life, to pray and read the Bible each day, to reach out for the other young people caring for KAYO members and to abide by the rules of this group.

Aims and objectives

1. To bring young people to know, to love and serve Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Our lives as young people in the Lord are meant to witness. This has to do with our obeying the great commission (Matt 28:19-20). Bringing others to worship and serve Jesus is wise (Psalm 2:12, Eccl 12:1&13).

2. To build up young people in the knowledge of the Christian faith, the Bible being the foundation.

Nobody is born a strong disciple of the Lord. Disciples are trained. So be patient and train up the young Christians to grow and also be deep in the things of God. The art of disciple making is the art of multiplication by training others to be better than you. A fellowship where everybody can teach, preach and lead is a fellowship that is mature. Eph 4:11-16, Col 2:16-23, Col 3:16-17

3. To educate the young people in good Christian character and encourage them to be good leaders of our church and community.

A good Christian character is a rare commodity and having a young person who is accountable, responsible and faithful is a precious thing. A person whose yes means yes and no means no is not only what our church needs, but also our community. KAYO members need to be people who are strong in character because character is power. Gal 5:18-26

4. To help the church understand its responsibility towards young people.

To partner and not to compete with KAMA (Kenya Anglican Men’s Association) and MU (Mothers’ Union) in making our church a home church, a place where you feel at home and responsible to bring improvements in the worship and daily running of the church.

To challenge the Mothers’ Union to train young ladies on how to handle themselves in their church and the community (to be ladies of substance).

To challenge the Kenya Anglican Men’s Association to train up young men to be men that can be counted on and men of substance.

5. To establish close working relationships with KAYO members in other dioceses.

To every KAYO group it is important to have another group with which it can share ideas and resources. This better and even more preferable if the other group is from another diocese. You should not be restricted to only one group.

6. To empower young people to live responsible and meaningful lives morally, socially, economically and politically.

KAYO should be people who are responsible and have a sense of desire to support and encourage others. They should not be careless in behavior or financially, and should not live as though they were an island. We must be accountable, ready to work with our own hands in order to contribute to the families we come from and to the church at large.

Friday, April 25, 2008

A milestone......

God has lifted us higher. For this reason we can only give all the glory to Him alone. We have been asking and trusting God for so much. This time round let us join in thanksgiving as we praise him for this blogspot.
We can all appreciate that communication is one thing that has been a challenge to KAYO. Let us pray that through this blog, information shall flow across the entire KAYO, Diocese of Nairobi.
This blog will also enable us to be updated of things that are happening in our churches, parishes, archdeaconries as well as in the entire diocese. Comments, suggestions, updates, opportunities......can be sent through