Wednesday, June 10, 2009

KAYO SportGanza 2009 –Prayer items

Mon 8th
Let us all repent of our sins and allow God's guidance in our lives.
Total commitment and sacrifice in all areas as God called us.(submit to Him)
Remember the KAYO Committee; God's favour and visitation upon it.
Pray for God's provision of the Holy Spirit and His presence.
Peace and unity, togetherness, love, faithfulness upon all members.
Thank God for the finances, good health and
Bless God for all the departments in the diocese, & pray for their unity
Mon 15th
Pray for healing upon the entire KAYO fraternity
Thank God for our families & pray that God will protect them
The Nation, political Leaders, systems of administration, & all Institutions
Pray for all the Clergy in our diocese, thank God for their availability
Commit all the facilitators for the games in God's hands
Thank God for the venue and all the other facilities that will be used
Commit the entire sports day before God, pray for new revelations
Thank God for His sufficient grace and visitation even during this period.

1st Peter 4.7 Be clear minded and self controlled so that you can pray.
Enjoy your time with God!!

Thanks Dennis for these Prayer Items. God bless you so much

Monday, June 8, 2009

SportGanza 2009 Pre-run

Generation IMPACTORS (GI), the KAYO in Nairobi Diocese exists as the youth arm of the Anglican Church of Kenya and brings together all the youth within the Nairobi Diocese. GI achieves its various objectives through different avenues and fora that include various forms of fellowships including a sports fellowship.

Every year GI has been organizing the sports day. This years sports day is planned to be held on July, 4th at the Moi Forces Academy.

The overall objective of the Sports Day is to make its contribution to the overall objective of KAYO Nairobi Diocese "Generation Impact".

Beyond this, other objectives are:
i. Enhancing fellowship and strengthening the body of Christ
ii. Using sports as an evangelism tool to reach out to the youth
iii. Bringing on board all parishes within the diocese with respect to KAYO activities
iv. Building individual and group capacities in terms of organization and execution of events

In order to achieve all the above objectives involvement of ALL will be key. We are therefore striving to be as inclusive as possible and accommodate every parish whether they can build a full team or not! We shall therefore keep the competitive activity to a maximum of four team sports. Time allowing, all participants shall be randomly regrouped to form teams that will compete with each other in other activities that will be identified.

Building on the KAYO theme for 2009 CROSSING OVER from the book of Joshua 1:9 this years sports day is themed around that same verse with the tag line STRONG & COURAGEOUS. The event itself has been christened SportGanza 2009 with the accompanying brand as shown.


Four games will be on the cards: football, basketball, volleyball and katty. The guiding rules for each of the games is as enumerated below and the decision of the referee will be final.

Players per team: 6 with a minimum of 2 ladies at any point during the match.
Duration: Two halves of seven (7) minutes each
In case of draw after regulation time, three (3) penalties with at least one (1) being taken by a lady
In case of a draw after the penalties, then sudden death penalties to decide winner.

Each match has to have a winner. At the group stages a win translates to three (3) points.

The top two teams in each group proceed to the next round.

After the group stages all subsequent matches are knock-out with the winner progressing to the next stage.

Players per team: 3 with a minimum of 1 lady at any point during the match.
Duration: Two halves of seven (7) minutes each
In case of draw after regulation time, three (3) free throws with at least one (1) being taken by a lady
In case of a draw after the free throws, then sudden death free throws to decide winner.

Each match has to have a winner. At the group stages a win translates to three (3) points.

The top two teams in each group proceed to the next round.

After the group stages all subsequent matches are knock-out with the winner progressing to the next stage.

Players per team: 6 with a minimum of three (3) ladies at any point during the match.
Points awarded at every point
Three (3) sets per match with each set based on seven (7) points

Each match has to have a winner. At the group stages a win translates to three (3) points.

The top two teams in each group proceed to the next round.

After the group stages all subsequent matches are knock-out with the winner progressing to the next stage.

Kattie will be played on a complete league basis with each parish getting to play all other parishes. Each win will score three (3) points and a draw will score one (1) point.

Players per team: 2 any mix is allowed.
Outright team verses team with a maximum of 20points combined.
In case of draw after both teams have had their chance a draw will be declared and the teams will share a point each.


In the spirit of enhancing fellowship, other games will be introduced on the ground to be competed for by randomly selected teams.


As described in the analysis of the games above, football, basketball and volleyball will be on a round robin basis leading to a knock-out stage. The proposed schedule is as annexed to this document.

The program of events is expected to run according to schedule and any late arrivals will start off the event with negative points on their overall score. The program will start at 8:00AM and run as follows:

8:00 – 8:30 Arrival & Registration
8:30 – 9:00 Pooling & Scheduling
9:00 – 9:20 Prayers & Official Opening
9:30 Kick-Offs

Any team arriving after 8:45 will penalized as stated above whereas the first team to arrive will be similarly rewarded.


We are targeting a 100% impact on all the existing parishes within the diocese. Out of these parishes, this is what is expected from them:

• a token fee of Kes.1000 to cover some of the organizational expenses
• each parish is to organize for its own lunch
• the events have been designed to accommodate all the parishes we therefore expect representation (if not full participation) of all the youth in each parish
• each parish will appoint an overall captain and a captain for each the events that they shall be participating in. All communication to and from the teams during the course of the event shall be channeled through these representatives.