Tuesday, April 29, 2008

What guides us?

This folio is meant to help us understand KAYO, its aims and objectives. You really are part of KAYO; it’s only that that is made official during enrollment. KAYO is a joint organization for all the youth in the Anglican Church of Kenya.

This folio is meant to help us understand KAYO, its aims and objectives. KAYO has a motto, prayer, aims and objectives. The explanations under the aims and objectives (in italics), are to help us understand what they mean. May you find your place in KAYO.


Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Ephesians 6:10


Teach us good Lord to serve you with all our strength, body, soul and mind.

To love you and rejoice in you always.

To offer our services without counting the cost.

We pray that your Holy Spirit will give us courage to fight against the wicked spiritual forces by the help of your Word.

To labor in your vineyard looking forward to eternal life,

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.



I promise to serve Jesus Christ all the days of my life, to pray and read the Bible each day, to reach out for the other young people caring for KAYO members and to abide by the rules of this group.

Aims and objectives

1. To bring young people to know, to love and serve Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Our lives as young people in the Lord are meant to witness. This has to do with our obeying the great commission (Matt 28:19-20). Bringing others to worship and serve Jesus is wise (Psalm 2:12, Eccl 12:1&13).

2. To build up young people in the knowledge of the Christian faith, the Bible being the foundation.

Nobody is born a strong disciple of the Lord. Disciples are trained. So be patient and train up the young Christians to grow and also be deep in the things of God. The art of disciple making is the art of multiplication by training others to be better than you. A fellowship where everybody can teach, preach and lead is a fellowship that is mature. Eph 4:11-16, Col 2:16-23, Col 3:16-17

3. To educate the young people in good Christian character and encourage them to be good leaders of our church and community.

A good Christian character is a rare commodity and having a young person who is accountable, responsible and faithful is a precious thing. A person whose yes means yes and no means no is not only what our church needs, but also our community. KAYO members need to be people who are strong in character because character is power. Gal 5:18-26

4. To help the church understand its responsibility towards young people.

To partner and not to compete with KAMA (Kenya Anglican Men’s Association) and MU (Mothers’ Union) in making our church a home church, a place where you feel at home and responsible to bring improvements in the worship and daily running of the church.

To challenge the Mothers’ Union to train young ladies on how to handle themselves in their church and the community (to be ladies of substance).

To challenge the Kenya Anglican Men’s Association to train up young men to be men that can be counted on and men of substance.

5. To establish close working relationships with KAYO members in other dioceses.

To every KAYO group it is important to have another group with which it can share ideas and resources. This better and even more preferable if the other group is from another diocese. You should not be restricted to only one group.

6. To empower young people to live responsible and meaningful lives morally, socially, economically and politically.

KAYO should be people who are responsible and have a sense of desire to support and encourage others. They should not be careless in behavior or financially, and should not live as though they were an island. We must be accountable, ready to work with our own hands in order to contribute to the families we come from and to the church at large.

Friday, April 25, 2008

A milestone......

God has lifted us higher. For this reason we can only give all the glory to Him alone. We have been asking and trusting God for so much. This time round let us join in thanksgiving as we praise him for this blogspot.
We can all appreciate that communication is one thing that has been a challenge to KAYO. Let us pray that through this blog, information shall flow across the entire KAYO, Diocese of Nairobi.
This blog will also enable us to be updated of things that are happening in our churches, parishes, archdeaconries as well as in the entire diocese. Comments, suggestions, updates, opportunities......can be sent through kayonairobi@gmail.com.